innate immunity

innate immunity
естественный иммунитет, врожденный иммунитет

English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "innate immunity" в других словарях:

  • innate immunity — immunity based on the genetic constitution of the individual, e.g., immunity of humans to canine distemper. Called also familial i., genetic i., inherent i., inherited i., and native i …   Medical dictionary

  • innate immunity — noun immunity to disease that occurs as part of an individual s natural biologic makeup • Syn: ↑natural immunity • Hypernyms: ↑immunity, ↑resistance • Hyponyms: ↑racial immunity …   Useful english dictionary

  • Immunity (medical) — Immunity is a biological term that describes a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. Immunity involves both specific and non specific components. The non specific… …   Wikipedia

  • Innate immune system — See also: Immune system and Adaptive immune system Innate immune system The innate immune system, also known as non specific immune system and secondary line of defence,[1] comprises the cells and mechanisms that defend the host …   Wikipedia

  • immunity — /i myooh ni tee/, n., pl. immunities. 1. the state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease or the like. 2. the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. 3. the ability of a cell to react… …   Universalium

  • Immunity — The condition of being immune. Immunity can be innate (for example, humans are innately immune to canine distemper) or conferred by a previous infection or immunization. * * * 1. The status or quality of being immune (1). 2. Protection against… …   Medical dictionary

  • immunity — n. the body s ability to resist infection, afforded by the presence of circulating antibodies and white blood cells. Healthy individuals protect themselves by means of physical barriers, phagocytic cells, natural killer cells, and various blood… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • immunity —    The ability to resist infection and to heal. The process may involve acquired immunity, (the ability to learn and remember a specific infectious agent), or innate immunity (the genetically programmed system of responses that attack, digest,… …   Herbal-medical glossary

  • immunity — A state in which the body responds specifically to antigen and/or in which a protective response is mounted against a pathogenic agent. May be innate or may be induced by infection or vaccination, or by the passive transfer of antibodies of… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Intrinsic immunity — refers to a set of recently discovered cellular based anti viral defense mechanisms, notably genetically encoded proteins which specifically target eukaryotic retroviruses. Unlike adaptive and innate immunity effectors, intrinsic immune proteins… …   Wikipedia

  • Humoral immunity — The Humoral Immune Response (HIR) is the aspect of immunity that is mediated by secreted antibodies (as opposed to cell mediated immunity which involves T lymphocytes) produced in the cells of the B lymphocyte lineage (B cell). Secreted… …   Wikipedia

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